Sunday, November 6, 2016

Election MMXVI

Welcome to Non Fac Nil Stupidum. At NFNS, we believe in being informed, intelligent individuals in all aspects of life. As we always say, Non fac nil stupidum: "Don't do nothin' dumb." It is always important to try not to "do somethin' dumb."

Election MMXVI

Perhaps the most important and impactful application of Non Fac Nil Stupidum is in this election. Regardless of your political views, it is always good to do nothin' dumb. Rather than blindly follow the party line and believe everything what you hear from your candidate and on your news network of choice, you should take the time to see what the candidates (not only in the presidential race, but in all political races, including legislation) are offering in terms of policy. Do you agree with their policies and the wording? If not, maybe you should consider an alternative. Just because someone belongs to a party, does not mean that individual should always vote one way. In fact, that is more detrimental than it is helpful. Why? Because if you're voting due to party loyalty, are you taking a hard look at what your candidate is actually promising? Or are you just checking off a box because you feel obligated to do so? 

Maybe you don't like the other side, that's fine, but why not take the time to do a little research to see what your "opponent" is offering, as opposed to what your side and the media tell you they're offering. Regardless of the source, there is always bias. That's why it pays to check out multiple sources and websites and to inspect the policies of all sides to see which ones you support the most. Look at them side by side. You may be surprised to find your candidate isn't always aligned to your personal interests. In fact, it's almost a certainty that you will disagree with at least some of the ideas of your preferred party. The question to ask yourself is: do you agree more with what the "other side" believes and has to say? Rather than vote without thinking, really, truly think about what is best for you, and for the country as a whole. Because that's what the government is supposed to be for: subservient to the people and sworn to do its best to give its citizens the best possible life. And that's hard to do when people don't take time to see what they're really voting for. The best thing one can do as a voter is keep an open mind.

In the end, you're not voting for a person, a policy, or even a party, you're voting for the future, yours, and everyone else's too. Would you blindly stumble along a narrow mountain pass, with sheer drops on either side and all manners of hazards and misteps possible...while blindfolded? Or would you rather remove that blindfold, learn what those hazards are, and step forward with confidence, knowing you've taken the time to really think about what you're doing and know that you've done all you can to ensure the best possible outcome. 

That's what an election is. It's a choice for our future, to make it the best we can. 

So, ask yourself. Do you choose the blindfold and hope for the best? Or do you remove the blindfold and know you have done your best?

So when you go to vote on November 8th, remember: 

Extra Information:
Also, NFNS has created a special Non Fac Nil Stupidum MMXVI Bumper Sticker, for those who want to show that in this election (and even future ones), that they "didn't do nothin' dumb." And, as a bonus, we also have made Non Fac Nil Stupidum MMXVI shirts, for similar reasons. 

Non Fac Nil Stupidum MMXVI Bumper Sticker

Non Fac Nil Stupidum MMXVI T-shirt

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